Saturday, October 31, 2009

My Girl

I have 3 nieces. They are such a joy to be around. I find myself taking oh sooo many pictures of them. You would think they were my own daughters.

As I took the picture above, I immediately thought of all those hundreds of other nieces (or daughters, sisters, etc.) out there that are waiting to be placed in to their very own mini albums. This is my solution; the "My Girl" mini album. This was originally started as a "Baby Girl" mini album, but then I thought that was too specific. I wanted it to be used to scrap a girl of any age!

The "My Girl" mini album will be completed sometime on Sunday and ready for posting on etsy shortly after.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

School is Cool

At least it was for me! This is a school themed mini album I've been working on...since before school started. It's modeled for my nephew but I can customize it for anyone. This will be posted for sale on my etsy store just as soon as I can complete it...should be very soon.

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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Time to Start

I was going to wait until November 1st, but what better time than now to start with more frequent blog posts and peeks of my little creations. I've been so busy with everyday other "stuff" that I have neglected that which makes me the happiest, SCRAPPING!! I will start, again, today. I have so many projects in mind and in the works. I vow to start working on this today. You will hear from me again soon!